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Δύο κορίτσια ξυλοκοπήθηκαν μέχρι θανάτου επειδή ήθελαν να εγκαταλείψουν το ISIS

Πριν 9 έτη

Δύο νεαρά κορίτσια που έφυγαν από την Αυστρία που έμεναν για να πάνε στη Συρία και να πολεμήσουν στο πλευρό των τζιχαντιστών, φαίνεται ότι ξυλοκοπήθηκαν μέχρι θανάτου από τους τρομοκράτες, όταν άλλαξαν γνώμη και ήθελαν να αποδράσουν από τη Ράκα.

PIC SHOWS: Samra Interpol is searching for two Austrian teenaged girls who they believe have been tricked into going to Syria to fight on the side of Islamic rebels. The teenagers vanished last week. The first their parents knew was when they started getting messages posted on social media networks saying that they had gone to fight the "holy war." But the parents say that they don't believe the messages are being written by the girls.  Authorities suspect they have been tricked into leaving the country. Samra Kesinovic is just 16, and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15. They come from Bosnian refugee families who settled in Austria after the ethnic wars of the 1990's and were born in the country. New photos on their Facebook pages show them  brandishing Kalashnikov rifles – and in some cases surrounded by armed men. In the latest posting they announced plans to marry so that they could become "holy warriors" and in the messages - which their familes doubt originated from them - they say: "Death is our goal". Austrian officials believe that the pair judging by the scenes around them are in a training camp and are not only already married, but also already living in the homes of their new husbands. In Vienna the family admitted that the two had recently started going to a local mosque run by a radical Imam. The two girls fathers are reportedly already abroad looking for their daughters who have not contacted their parents, to have been sending messages to their friends over the Internet talking about their new lives and adding: "nobody will ever find us here." Austrian media said the two attractive young teenagers had become the public face for the call to jihad in Syria, and alleged that they had been tricked into going to the country in order to publicise the call to arms. (ends) NB: CEN_XXXXXXXXX_01 sent to pic desk. Also available from Interpol has got involved in the search for two Austrian-born teenage girls who police believe may have been tricked into going to Syria where they are being used to promote the campaign for holy war. The teenagers vanished last week and the first their parents knew of the fact that they had left the country was when they started getting messages posted on social media networks saying that they had gone to fight the holy war. But the parents say that they don't believe the messages are written by the girls, and police believe the two young women who are both from families originally from Bosnia had been tricked into leaving the country when they vanished on 10th of April. Samra Kesinovic is just 16, and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15. The girls Facebook pages show to perfectly happy looking girls the could have been seen in any Western city, but in the new images posted since they left the country and fled to Turkey where they then apparently crossed into Syria the images show the girls brandishing Kalashnikovs – and in some cases surrounded by armed men. In the latest posting they announced that they planned to marry so that they could become "holy warriors" and in the messages which their family doubt was originated from the girls they say: "death is our goal". In Vienna the family admitted that the two had started going much more heavily to a local mosque with a reportedly came under the spell of hate preacher Ebu Tejma who converted them to his radical way of thinking. Austrian officials believe that the pair judging by the scenes around them are in a training camp and are not only already married, but also already living in the homes of their new husbands. The two girls fathers are reportedly already abroad looking for their daughters who have not contacted their parents, to have been sending messages to their friends over the Internet talking about their new lives and adding: "nobody will ever find us here." Austrian media said the two attractive young teenagers had become the public face for the call to jihad in Syria, and alleged that they had been tricked into going to the country in order to publicise the call to arms.
Samra Kesinovic
PIC SHOWS: The two girls in their new life in a pic they posted online. Interpol is searching for two Austrian teenaged girls who they believe have been tricked into going to Syria to fight on the side of Islamic rebels. The teenagers vanished last week. The first their parents knew was when they started getting messages posted on social media networks saying that they had gone to fight the "holy war." But the parents say that they don't believe the messages are being written by the girls.  Authorities suspect they have been tricked into leaving the country. Samra Kesinovic is just 16, and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15. They come from Bosnian refugee families who settled in Austria after the ethnic wars of the 1990's and were born in the country. New photos on their Facebook pages show them  brandishing Kalashnikov rifles – and in some cases surrounded by armed men. In the latest posting they announced plans to marry so that they could become "holy warriors" and in the messages - which their familes doubt originated from them - they say: "Death is our goal". Austrian officials believe that the pair judging by the scenes around them are in a training camp and are not only already married, but also already living in the homes of their new husbands. In Vienna the family admitted that the two had recently started going to a local mosque run by a radical Imam. The two girls fathers are reportedly already abroad looking for their daughters who have not contacted their parents, to have been sending messages to their friends over the Internet talking about their new lives and adding: "nobody will ever find us here." Austrian media said the two attractive young teenagers had become the public face for the call to jihad in Syria, and alleged that they had been tricked into going to the country in order to publicise the call to arms. (ends) NB: CEN_XXXXXXXXX_01 sent to pic desk. Also available from Interpol has got involved in the search for two Austrian-born teenage girls who police believe may have been tricked into going to Syria where they are being used to promote the campaign for holy war. The teenagers vanished last week and the first their parents knew of the fact that they had left the country was when they started getting messages posted on social media networks saying that they had gone to fight the holy war. But the parents say that they don't believe the messages are written by the girls, and police believe the two young women who are both from families originally from Bosnia had been tricked into leaving the country when they vanished on 10th of April. Samra Kesinovic is just 16, and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15. The girls Facebook pages show to perfectly happy looking girls the could have been seen in any Western city, but in the new images posted since they left the country and fled to Turkey where they then apparently crossed into Syria the images show the girls brandishing Kalashnikovs – and in some cases surrounded by armed men. In the latest posting they announced that they planned to marry so that they could become "holy warriors" and in the messages which their family doubt was originated from the girls they say: "death is our goal". In Vienna the family admitted that the two had started going much more heavily to a local mosque with a reportedly came under the spell of hate preacher Ebu Tejma who converted them to his radical way of thinking. Austrian officials believe that the pair judging by the scenes around them are in a training camp and are not only already married, but also already living in the homes of their new husbands. The two girls fathers are reportedly already abroad looking for their daughters who have not contacted their parents, to have been sending messages to their friends over the Internet talking about their new lives and adding: "nobody will ever find us here." Austrian media said the two attractive young teenagers had become the public face for the call to jihad in Syria, and alleged that they had been tricked into going to the country in order to publicise the call to arms.
Sabina Selimovic, 15.

Η Samra Kesinovic, 17 ετών και η φίλη της Sabina Σελίμοβιτς, όταν είχαν πάει στη Συρία το 2014 είχαν γίνει και προπαγανδιστική αφίσα των φανατικών ισλαμιστών με την οποία καλούσαν και άλλα κορίτσια και νέους να πάνε στη Συρία και να πολεμήσουν τους …άπιστους. Εφημερίδες της Αυστρίας, αναφέρουν ότι οι έφηβες ξυλοκοπήθηκε μέχρι θανάτου όταν προσπάθησαν να ξεφύγουν και να επιστρέψουν στην Αυστρία.
Οι γονείς των δύο κοριτσιών είναι πρόσφυγες από τη Βοσνία και όταν εξαφανίστηκαν, τους είχαν πει ότι ήθελα να πάνε στη Συρία και να πολεμήσουν για το ISIS. Αρχικά πήγαν αεροπορικώς στην Άγκυρα και στη συνέχεια τα  ίχνη τους χάθηκαν. jihad_women

Αργότερα εμφανίστηκαν σε ιστοσελίδες κοινωνικής δικτύωσης του ISIS κρατώντας καλάσνικοφ, περιτριγυρισμένες από ένοπλους τρομοκράτες του Ισλαμικού Κράτους. Sabina   jihad_woman
Ο David Scharia, ανώτερος ισραηλινός εμπειρογνώμονας του Συμβουλίου Ασφαλείας των Ηνωμένων Εθνών είπε: «Λάβαμε πληροφορίες πρόσφατα για δύο 16χρονα κορίτσια, βοσνιακής καταγωγής, τα οποία άφησαν την Αυστρία. Και τα δύο κορίτσια έχουν στρατολογηθεί από τους τζιχαντιστές. Στη Βιέννη ένας ισλαμιστής ιεροκήρυκας ο Ebu Tejma, λέγεται ότι ήταν υπεύθυνος για τη στρατολόγηση των δύο κοριτσιών και συνελήφθη αλλά ο ίδιος αρνείται τις κατηγορίες.



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